Author: Cruz Law Firm, P.A.

whistleblower retaliation at work

Florida law protects employees who come forward to report violations of law by public and private employers or independent contractors that create a substantial and specific danger to the public’s health, safety, or welfare. The Florida Whistleblower law makes it illegal to retaliate against an employee or contractor who reports public corruption or illegal or […]

disabled man working from home in a wheelchair

Workers with disabilities are protected from employment discrimination based on their physical or mental disabilities. They have rights under the Florida Civil Rights Act and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to enjoy equal employment opportunities. The law requires an employer to provide reasonable accommodations for an employee’s or job applicant’s disabilities, such as […]

employee facing sexual harassment at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace can create a hostile working environment, making it difficult for the person being harassed to perform their job duties. While the victims most commonly are women, both men and women can be targets of sexual harassment, which includes uninvited sexual advances, demands for sexual favors, and other unwelcome conduct of […]

sexual harassment cases

Making unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks, sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical assaults of a sexual nature are sexual harassment when they are directed at a subordinate employee or a job applicant. Employers can be held liable for sexual harassment if they knew or should have known that harassment was […]

reporting sexual harassment at work in Florida to the EEOC

You may be shocked and frightened if you are subjected to sexual harassment at your workplace, but you are not alone. The State of Florida offers you protection if you report this abuse and can punish an employer who allows sexual harassment to occur. In Florida, you can submit a sexual harassment claim either directly […]

Florida law on sexual harassment at work

Sexual harassment in the workplace can take many forms. But federal and state laws make it illegal to subject a job applicant or employee in Florida to unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical assaults of a sexual nature. Florida law defines sexual harassment as a form […]

retaliation at work as a result of reporting a sexual harassment case

State and federal laws protect workers who assert their right to a workplace free of employment discrimination, including sexual harassment. These laws also make it illegal to retaliate against an employee who reports sexual harassment to a supervisor or manager or who acts as a witness in a complaint, investigation, charge, or lawsuit pertaining to sexual […]

sexual harassment cases

Sexual harassment in the workplace can be a frightening experience. The harasser often has some position of authority over the person being harassed. But Florida law is on your side if you are sexually harassed at work. Most reputable companies have sexual harassment policies that protect employees who experience harassment. Legal Definition of Harassment Harassment, […]